And with no further ado….Kristen Doherty (xx)

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If you are looking for someone who has it all together–even though she would beg to differ–look no further than Kristen. On the days that I am shocked that I even managed to tie my shoes correctly, Kristen is there to lift me up, spread some words of wisdom, or kick me in the butt and get me going. Maybe even all of the three at once. There’s very little room to complain with Kristen. If there is no solution that she can see you creating, then you might as well not even throw it out there in the first place.

Kristen’s outward demeanor may come off as hard–and coming from a fellow person who is constantly told they look unfriendly, I know how annoying this label can be–but once you get to know her, you instantly realize she is the perfect balance of compassion and toughness. She doesn’t let you get away with bull-crap (shout out to Coach Johnson for the pg rated swear) and she holds you to a higher standard even when you don’t think you deserve to be held that high. Yes, sometimes, she can be a little edgy. There are times when she shoots you that “Kristen look” and her words regain their thick New York accent and I think, “maybe I’ll just give her a little space”. But those days are outnumbered by the ones where I find myself walking the reservoir with her contemplating some of the biggest issues in my life.

In all honesty, I wish that more people got to know and connect with Kristen because the more that did, would realize how amazingly special she is and what a rare friend she is to have. I know that without Kristen, these two years would have been a difficult journey. One missing late night talks, snuggling in our tiny twin sized beds, driving around aimlessly in the summer listening to anything that her ipod shuffle picked for us that day, or just a confidant on and off the court. Kristen Doherty is someone special and someone I am so sad to see leave. However, friends like this never truly go away.

xx forever